英国【重要】University of Reading 雷丁大学学前语言截止日期及签证提醒
发布时间:2022-06-09 阅读:1158次

University of Reading 雷丁大学接到UKVI通知,由于目前UKVI接到签证申请数量在不断上升,预计签证平均处理时间在5周左右,另外可能还需要1周完成贴签,快速签证或优先签证暂时停止办理。因此,建议留学签证申请提前做好规划。


  1. 雷丁620日开课的11周学前语言(PSE4)线下课程已经截止,线上课程仍然可以申请(截止时间66日)。对于之前已经申请线下课程来不及前往英国学习的同学,可以将学习模式改为线上,请在66日前与录取办取得联系。
  2. 如希望申请725日开课的4周学前语言课(PSE6)的同学,建议尽早提交申请。考虑到签证申请的处理时间,不必拘泥于最晚申请时间(线下624日,线上78日)。
  3. 对于就读线上语言课程的同学,建议尽早准备签证资料(个人资料及留学资金准备要早于往年),在收到CAS后尽快提交签证申请。
  4. 目前英国移民局(UKVI)不允许采用“先线上课程,然后转到线下学习”的模式,因此需要学生在拿到签证后,在课程最晚入读时间之前到达学校注册就读。






Because of the ongoing situation in Ukraine, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have informed the university that visa processing times have increased.  It is currently taking on average five weeks from the time a student submits their biometric details for the visa to be processed.  It can then take another week or more for the students’ passport to be updated and sent back.  Currently the premium and priority application services are suspended so all visa applications are being considered under the standard service.  Because of this we hope that the following information will be useful for your students:

  • It is now too late to apply for a visa for the on-campus version of PSE4 (starting on 20 June).  We are still considering applications for the online version of the course, and we can transfer an offer to the online version if a student hasn’t accepted their on-campus offer yet.  We would ask them to contact us by 06 June if they are interested in the online version.
  • If your students are interested in PSE6 (starting 25 July) we would encourage them to get their applications in so they can accept their offers by 24 June 2022 for the on-campus version or 8 July for the online version.
  • For students who are doing the online PSE, it is important that they apply for their main course visa as soon as they get their CAS to give them as much time as possible to get to their visa.  This means they will need to have all their documents and finance information ready earlier than in previous years.
  • UKVI are not currently allowing students to start online and change to on campus study if they have not/ cannot get their visa in time.  This means that students will need to arrive and enrol by the relevant latest enrolment date for the course that they are joining


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