发布时间:2017-08-14 阅读:684次










1. Psych (G) Mind

Psychology (the study of the mind)

2. Phil (G) Love

Cinephile (movie lover)

3. Struc (L) Build

Structure (parts or pieces built into something complex)

4. Vac (L) Empty

Vacuous (having an empty mind, not thinking)

5. Ver (L) True

Veritable (real, true, authentic)

6. Scrib/Scrip (L) Write

Prescription (a written note signed by a doctor which provides instructions for medicine or treatment)

7. Mega (G) Great, large

Megaphone (a large device which makes your voice louder)

8. Mono (G) Single

Monochromatic (having only one color)

9. Luc (L) Light

Lucid (bright, clear)

10. Mal (L) Bad

Malevolent (wanting to do bad or evil things)

11. Mar (L) Sea

Marina (a port or harbor for boats and ships)

12. Manu/Mani (L) Hand

Manicure (a treatment to make your hands look clean, neat and polished)

13. Min (L) Small

Miniscule (very small in size)

14. Fort (L) Strong

Fortitude (strength)

15. Mort (L) Death

Mortician (someone who prepares dead bodies to be buried)

16. Nas/Nat (L) Birth

Nascent (coming into existence, something just recently created)

17. Trans (L) Across

Transatlantic (something which crosses the Atlantic Ocean)

18. Voc/Vos (L) Voice

Vociferous (loud, someone who speaks loudly or talks a lot)

19. Aqua (L) Water

Aquarium (a tank of water where fish are kept as pets)

20. Bene (L) Good

Benevolent (wanting good things for people, generous, kind)

21. Chron (G) Time

Chronological (organized by time of occurrence)

22. Bio (G) Life

Biology (the study of living things)

23. Theo (G) God

Theology (the study of religion)

24. Phone (G) Sound

Telephone (a device used to talk with other people)

25. Omni (L) All

Omniscient (knowing everything)

26. Sens/Sent (L) Feel

Sentimental (emotional, attaching emotional value to things)

27. Terr (L) Earth

Terrarium (a container for land animals kept as pets, often containing rocks, dirt or sand)

28. Vid/Vis (L) See

Visible (able to be seen)

29. Auto (G) Self

Automatic (happens on its own)

30. Poly (G) Many

Polyglot (person who can speak many languages)



1. ad (L) to, attached to

2. amphi (G) both, about, around

3. andro (G) man, male

4. semi (L) half

5. non (L) not

6. pre (L) before

7. inter (L) between

8. anti (G) against, opposed

9. co (L) with, together

10. mono (G) one, single, alone


1. able (L) is, can be

2. act (L) state, quality

3. phil/phile (G) fear, fearing

4. chrome (G) color

5. logy (G) study of

6. ism (G) act, practice or result of

7. some (G) body

8. cidal/cide (L) killer, a killing

9. meter (G) a measurement

10. nomy (G) systematized knowledge of


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